How to cook a tantalizing blog

Serving size: one creative blog with beauty and wit
Yield: potential viral number of views


  • 1 large germ of an idea
  • 7 cups of original storyline
  • 1 dash of krahnpixian powder
  • 3 slices of self-deprecating humour
  • 2 -3 processed photos
  • 1-2 captions


  1. Mix idea germ and 1 cup of storyline in a large mixing bowl and let it rise for a week
  2. Each day stir in another cup of storyline until batter gets plump and pliable
  3. Add a dash of personality to give it a unique twist
  4. Season with humour then gently remove any that turn batter brown
  5. Drop in two to three photos to taste
  6. Bake for 40 minutes into WordPress then let it rest for a day
  7. Top with captions
  8. Serve with morning coffee

Another beautiful stop on the Big Sur in northern California. Above – A sea otter pup with her mom further down the same coast.

Latest Comments

  1. Cornel Ap. says:

    Beautiful scenery.


  2. caleephotography says:

    😀 Cute otters! Thanks for sharing your recipe but I’m out of Krahnpixian powder..


  3. Inger says:

    There they are again – those cute sea otters:)
    Awesome recipe, I should get some of that krahnpixian powder!


  4. Gunta says:

    While you were down in what I believe to be one of the most beautiful spots on earth, I was out in the hot, dry, dusty desert hoping to glimpse an otter or a beaver…. no luck but did find a mink. Now if I could only find some of that Krahnpixian powder, I’d be all set… Then again, I’m not sure even a ton of the stuff could match your success! O_o


  5. Jeff | Planet Bell says:

    I think some Krahnpixian powder could take my blog to the next level. Do you sell it online or in a store?


  6. Dick Trew says:

    Lyle,, imagine my excitement when I first read your recipe. I entertained the notion that I might also be able to serve up such wonderful fare as I enjoy and love to share with others. Second reading gave me second thoughts. Like any great chef, your personal touches are, well, personal. I won’t be in a position to ‘fake it until I make it’! I began to see if I could gather up the ingredients and realized that some of them are pretty exclusive to you–my suppliers don’t carry a number of them, particularly krahnpixian powder. I thought you did a lovely job of sharing until I began to try to calibrate the measures and realized that my measuring devices don’t include a ‘dash’ nor did I figure out what constituted the ‘batter’. Not being a great chef nor even a moderate hack in the kitchen, what I don’t know makes all the difference. Thank goodness, I don’t have to serve up my inferior version, but can rely on the take-home order that comes delivered from time to time! Every time is a pleasure and my satisfaction is multiplied over when I am able to share with visitors! At that time, the cup of coffee still works (as per the recipe)! Perfecto, Chef Lyle!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Given my limited ability in the real cooking field, I’ve never been called a chef before so this is a special honour. Your response is a work of art all its own with creativity and charm. I especially liked the take home order metaphor. I am so pleased you enjoyed this post and your continual encouragement with my blogging means a lot to me.


  7. Lavinia Ross says:

    You have the perfect recipe for capturing the spirit and personality of your subjects! Glad you got to see the California coast and meet some of its residents.


  8. Dalo 2013 says:

    Ha, ha…love this. Chances are I will burn it to a crisp like most things I cook, but definitely worth a shot 🙂 And sea otter pup, they are made for photography.


  9. Steve Gingold says:

    Very tasty. What can go wrong with a photographic recipe containing otters?


  10. Susan says:

    I must try this recipe!


  11. Honie Briggs says:

    My compliments to the chef. Always.


  12. anotherday2paradise says:

    Great recipe and such a breathtaking image. 🙂


  13. David says:

    Sounds good but is it gluten free?


  14. Seenorway says:

    I’ll buy that receipt any day of the week!
    And today in particular. Today is the day when I salute – myself!
    Yeah, I know I shouldn’t 🙂 but today is the day when ‘SeeNorway’ passed a milestone: 5000 ‘full screen’ pictures from Norway and/or Norwegian nature published!
    If that’s worth anything at all?!


  15. Mike Powell says:

    The recipe sure worked well here with your adorable subject–otterably adorable. I love the Big Sur and Monterey Bay area. There is so much to see and do there.


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