• Icicles

    I remember the last time I was tempted. It must have been spring since there were icicles hanging around the garage in the back yard. That made it a fun place to play as a boy. There was also a frozen metal pipe. Despite being young, I had enough first-hand experience to understand the danger.… Continue Reading

  • I have a good case!

    I can’t remember another winter when I got stuck twice with my truck and fell through the ice while hiking. While these events all happened on photography outings, they didn’t help me get a single photo. I could argue that these strange incidents really weren’t my fault. It would be a spirited performance. A strong… Continue Reading

  • Why are you still here?

    It was a confusing day by the river last week. Despite the bright sun, I felt the cold biting at my inadequate gloves. Winter definitely came early this year. And yet the South Saskatchewan River was covered with huge chunks of ice jostling in the quick current. Was some place upstream cashing in on global… Continue Reading

  • You saw what??

    I have always been a bit skeptical of constellations. A good star gazer can creatively connect a few random stars and boldly proclaim he has found some complex creature with an astronomy-sounding name. This is creative licence run amok! Now I’ll admit it is entirely possible that my bias comes from frustration. No matter how… Continue Reading