Not exactly a love story

It would be a huge exaggeration to compare my pursuit of wildlife to courtship – so of course it’s too tempting.


This beauty starts walking toward me – how cool is that?

I find an abandoned road that had long ago disappeared into a large expanse of water. As I drive by, I notice a collection of birds where the road meets the water’s edge. The resident ducks don’t entice me. Unfortunately, familiarity too quickly breeds boredom.

However, I see an American avocet and then another. My interest is peaked. Here is a chance to make an impression and I quickly leave the truck. I really want this to work.

I don’t sneak up on them because that usually ends badly. I hear that honesty is the latest fad in relationships so I give it a whirl. I try to be cool about the approach without looking too desperate or needy. As I nonchalantly amble closer, I feel a connection. This just might work!

Suddenly a complication develops, as is often the case in relationships. This time it’s the ducks who apparently don’t like my type. Without giving me a chance, they squawk their disapproval and fly off in a huff. I am immediately worried peer pressure will drag the avocets along. Thankfully they ignore those misplaced conceptions and keep feeding.


The water becomes a moving catwalk.

Just as I am starting to feel confident again, I notice two geese some 75 metres away out on the water. They start a ruckus with all their honking – it turns they don’t like me much either. Why am I getting so much of that lately? I am not fussed if they stay or leave, I just don’t want this extended warning to influence the avocets. They are now the only potential connections left in the neighbourhood.

I walk closer and the infernal honking continues despite the distance and water separating us – no wonder geese don’t have many friends! Hush up already or fly away! Finally the geese honk themselves into a frenzy and leave. Much to my relief the avocets share my opinion of them and ignore it all despite the fact they are much closer to me.

A few more steps and I am in range to take some shots. The avocets clearly understand this whole courtship thing and strut their stuff. They even walk toward me. My heart beats faster or maybe it was the shutter. No wonder I love wildlife photography.

After a wonderful time together, I leave them feeding. I hope they will still be fond of me next time. This could turn into a thing.


No shortage of strutting here!


Every good post ends with a sunset. This time I remembered.



Latest Comments

  1. Pingback: Help! | Krahnpix
  2. Cornel A. says:

    These birds are so beautiful!!


  3. MJF Images says:

    Great Lyle, love the silhouette!


  4. Marco Pesaresi says:

    Thats a beautiful set Lyle, cant help but admire the striking colour on the Avocets that you have over there, ours are just black and white but both are wonderful.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      It was only when I was doing this post that I came across the black and white ones. It’s funny how a person thinks that what they have seen is normal everywhere. It would be interesting to photograph them as well. These two I stumbled upon were particularly colourful. Thanks for checking them out.


  5. Dalo 2013 says:

    Beautiful. The third shot is spectacular, the color and positioning of the bird mid-step. Very nice.


  6. Stefano says:

    Awesome series, Lyle! Perfect compositions and so sweet a light. I love #1, 2 and most definitely 4. Fantastic work.


  7. Scott Marshall says:

    These Avocet’s are absolutely stunning – colour attitude (via the turned up beak and strut 😉


  8. MJF Images says:

    Just beautiful color and light Lyle!


  9. niasunset says:

    WOW! Amazing photographs… Thank you, but let me say this, I can’t read because of the dark colour of your background dear 🙂 Love, nia


  10. dda53 says:

    You have captured some great shots of one of favorite birds.


  11. vanbraman says:

    Definitely an eye catching bird.


  12. Sue says:

    Some glorious photos and clever writing. I always love to see what you will come up with next.


  13. The Earth Beneath My Feet says:

    Gorgeous shots and a good laugh as always at your anecdotes.


  14. Alison says:

    Beautiful shots! Good luck with the avocets. I don’t know you personally, but it seems like they would be lucky to get a good catch like you!


  15. Honie Briggs says:

    Nice, Lyle. Very nice.


  16. Amy Pinkrose says:

    I was totally captivated by this story and how you wrote it. The shots are par excellent! We don’t have birds like this where I live so this was most definitely a treat. I am in total amazement that these birds let you come within shooting range of them. Thank you so much for this story and these glorious photos. I have been following you, but haven’t see you in my reader. So I am unfollowing with an immediate follow again. I hope this time I find you in my reader. I’m hooked. Love, Amy


  17. Vicki says:

    Beautiful shots and I just love that golden light.


  18. whichwaynow101 says:

    Your pictures are fantastic and the accompanying text so clever!


  19. janemwoodman says:

    Sooooooo beautiful! Thank you.


  20. Gunta says:

    Utterly marvelous. Not even a butt shot in sight. I think you got a thing going there.


  21. Phil Lanoue says:

    Best avocet photos ever! Well done! And…you got cinnamon heads besides!
    Very exciting and I enjoyed seeing these beauties very much.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Thanks. I had to google cinnamon heads and ended up at your wonderful flight photo of them. Good to know. I thot they looked particularly colourful.


  22. toughlittlebirds says:

    Wonderful photos! I adore avocets. All those curves.
    I am having a hard time picturing you courting humans in this way, though – you approach a woman, and everyone else within 200 meters starts screaming and running away? It would be… entertaining, certainly…


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Those curves and the colour really do make them appealing. Happy to hear you like them.
      I must say I was thoroughly entertained by your “picture.” That certainly would be entertaining.


  23. Dick Trew says:

    Surely the metaphor develops delicately and beautifully (one can virtually hear the rhythms of hearts beating). Of course, it helps when one is able to share such “trophies” afterwards. Whoops, that really sounds juvenile. (The images are wonderful!)


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      The process of getting the shot is wonderful when all the rhythms work together. Glad you liked the metaphor and the photos. I had to have a little fun with this one – I blame it on the geese.


  24. Patrizia M. says:

    Scatti fantastici, sono bellissimi e molto bello anche il racconto di come hai vissuto i momenti per fare le foto!!
    Ciao, Pat


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Living the moments is a great way to describe my encounters with wildlife. It really is a lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks of the comments.


  25. Steve Gingold says:

    Of course your heart would beat faster…love at first encounter will make that happen. Lovely story and I also hope they continue their fondness for you next time, Lyle.


  26. krikitarts says:

    It’s a wonder how frequently the respectful approach can accomplish at least as much as the stealthy stalk, and usually in a fraction of the time. It surely worked out beautifully for you here. What magnificent portraiture!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Glad you liked them. It is fascinating that a respectful approach can be successful on many occasions. Good thing because I’m not very good at stealth!


  27. kbeezyisviral says:

    Very nice post. “No wonder geese have no friends” gave me a nice chuckle. I would really appreciate it if you would check out my Facebook page:


  28. Lavinia Ross says:

    Thse are beautiful Avocet photos, Lyle. Glad they did not spook and fly off on you. Geese are good watch dogs, and pretty noisy.


  29. Victor Rakmil says:

    Great post, the stalking dance.


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