
Is One a Mob?

G’day Mob!

The onslaught of winter has frozen my lips and got me writing Australian … or maybe it’s that I promised Mandy I would borrow her blog greeting. It cracks me up every time I read that phrase – maybe because I’ve never been part of a mob before or visited Australia. But enough talk of hot places.

Last week I spent a glorious 45 minutes with a wild coyote. Unencumbered by facts, I decided this pretty predator was a she and named her Makima. I hope I’m right on both counts.

It was not an equal opportunity encounter. Makima and I shared the same deserted prairie but not the same experience. I noted a few glaring differences:

  • Makima came prepared to deal with the natural elements. Her warm coat made her completely oblivious to the cold wind howling its displeasure. Meanwhile I was freezing my hand, right through a leather glove, every time I stuck it out the truck window to steady my lens. Where do I get a coat like this?
_B5A8554 (1)

The smile comes from a healthy snack!

  • She got a lot of exercise running around hunting while I was just sitting in the truck exercising my shutter finger. In my defence, I did use that finger a lot and I think it’s actually stronger. Exercise is good!
  • My eyes were glued on her as I shamelessly stared. Thankfully, uncivilized encounters have different behaviour codes. She would glance up at the truck occasionally, usually when I started it to move closer. Mostly she ignored me – just the way I like it. Based on my limited human interactions, I’m guessing she had introvert leanings.
  • She was incredibly good looking while I’m one of those average-looking guys Dave Barry described. I believe he said most guys decide they look average as a young man and never give it a second thot. He might have been making some point about another gender but it escapes me now.
  • Makima also had a great set of white teeth – mine are pumped full of lead or whatever they use nowadays. I also tend not to show mine off as much.
  • It might be best not to bring up the subject of whiskers so I’ll just keep moving right along.
  • I completely forgot to bring a treat and I’m a bit ashamed to admit such a rookie mistake. I jealously watched Makima enjoy a high-protein, power snack. I’m guessing I would have politely declined if she offered to share the fat mouse she caught. It never came to that as the snack disappeared quickly as all good ones do.

In the end, I was thrilled by our encounter! She was nonplussed.

Definitely a … g’day mob!


I might prowl around in the cold too if I had a warm coat like this!


Latest Comments

  1. elmediat says:

    Beautiful sequence. 🙂


  2. Girl Gone Expat says:

    I would also be thrilled by such an encounter! 🙂 Great pictures!


  3. Scott Marshall says:

    That first shot with the hint of tongue Lyle is mesmerising absolutely focussed but the tongue makes it – goodness what I would give to go an a shoot with you and Phil


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      It’s fascinating how a little addition like a bit of tongue can make so much difference in a photo and of course you would notice. I appreciate the comments. Let me know when you are coming!!

      Liked by 1 person

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  5. dda53 says:

    Beautiful images, great head on capture!


  6. hannele says:

    There’s something quite special about that top photo – everything is the same colour, the environment, the coyote, the eyes. All that stands out is a line or two of black, some darker spots in the fur, and a red tongue. I really like it! Great post, again. 🙂


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I usually prefer to have more natural backgrounds but those colours were really a perfect match in the evening light. You described it all so well. Glad you enjoyed it. I think the photo is one of my all time favourites.


  7. Mike Powell says:

    You continue to amaze and inspire me, Lyle, with your incredible shots. Your attempts at eliciting sympathy at the cold, however, are slightly undercut by the fact that you were in your truck, albeit with an open window. Now, if you had been prone in the snow for those 45 minutes, that would have been real suffering–that will be another adventure. Like so many others, I was really struck by the intensity of the eyes in the initial shot and the almost whimsical position of the tongue. I’m not surprised that the coyote was successful in the hunt and that you captured that too. That shot reminds me of your images of the pouncing fox from a while ago.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      At least I know how to impress you now with cold! I really appreciate your comments. I was pleasantly surprised at the photo options I had to choose from for this post but that’s often the case with more time and opportunity. It’s funny you should mention the fox shots, because I had been thinking about them lately as well.


  8. Dalo 2013 says:

    Great writing ~ and made perfect with your photography, and the perfect name for the coyote.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Well thank you. I was making up all these names that might be good for a coyote and then googling them to make sure they didn’t have some weird meaning. This one sounded coyotish to me.


  9. Garden Walk Garden Talk says:

    Cute story Lyle and wonderful images as always. The one in the header looks like she has some tasty Lyle on her mind.


  10. caleephotography says:

    Wonderful photos! And as usual your writing puts a big smile on my face 🙂


  11. Anonymous says:

    So you just said the answer to your problem Lyle! You “went looking for snowy owls” and found this magnificent coyote to film! So if you want to film beautiful majestic looking moose ,you set out with the intentions of filming coyotes! Or hawks! Or……well you get the drift! 🙂 Enjoyed both pictures and story! Great job!


  12. Krista says:

    Superb shots & story line to accompany them! I loved her showing just a bit of her tongue as if purposely to get into your collection. You’ve captured the intensity of her eyes so perfectly! THanks so much for sharing your inspiring photos and special moments.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I must confess that choosing the photo with a bit of tongue was the deciding factor to go with that shot. And the eyes I find quite mesmerizing! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and stories.


  13. Phil Lanoue says:

    Beautiful images of an extremely attractive and apparently well fed coyote. You did quite well here.


  14. Honie Briggs says:

    She’s gorgeous, Lyle. You lucky devil.


  15. Gunta says:

    That first image adds to your collection of tongue shots. Let’s face it, you’re a glutton for that cold bit as long as you find beautiful subjects like this one.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      As usual, you are right on both counts! And congrats for being the first to mention the tongue – one of the key reasons I put it on top and was hoping someone would notice. It’s funny how impatience, boredom, cold and pain all disappear in the middle of watching wildlife. It works better than pain medication!


  16. My Heartsong says:

    Yes, a gorgeous, luxurious coat and great captures of her in the grass. By the look of her ears in the last shot she is sure listening to you.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      In addition to starting up the truck to move further down the road to keep up with her, I noticed that she sometimes seemed to note the shutter clicking. I’m guessing that’s what was happening in the last shot. I was just thrilled to have the time to get a bunch of photos. It sure helps to increase my odds.


  17. Birder's Journey says:

    Stellar photos – you captured the expressiveness of this magnificent animal so beautifully. And the reader can really get a feeling for what this must have been like for you – super narrative.


  18. Lavinia Ross says:

    Beautiful photos, Lyle! But I would expect nothing less.


  19. Marie says:

    Such intensity in her eyes. And wildness in her spirit.


  20. Steve Gingold says:

    What a wonderful experience. Lots of nice images too to go along with the inter-species fantasy romance.


  21. Mandy says:

    You’ve just made my day 🙂
    Not sure how I should write Canadian but I will give it some thot!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Mind Margins/Toasty Strings/Run Nature says:

    Lovely animal, and you got such great shots of her! Kudos!


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