Not again!

For a guy who hates repetition, I seem to have this odd habit of endlessly learning the same lessons. Is it possible to have important information locked in neurons that never land anywhere in my brain?

I considered a cash reward for readers …

I take photos of beautiful things. Well actually, I take photos of a lot of things but it usually starts with something interesting, predatory or I’m in a good mood and happen to have a camera in hand.

When I finish making my photos, I decide if they are beautiful … or not. I know these things because … well I just do. It’s a gift. One that everyone has … or not … or they don’t care.

I share some photos because it seems a bit silly to go through all this work and then just smile at my computer. And it feels right to share. And it gives me a chance to write something interesting, funny or maybe even beautiful.

_B5A6626, great horned owl, barn

Take an abandoned barn, stir in some traditional colour, mix in a little weathered wood, add a great horned owl and voila – beauty!

Of course we are all wired differently so beauty, humour and taste are hopelessly subjective. There is no accounting for preference, acquired sense or which photos get popular on social media. I know this from hard experience.

And yet I don’t. Every few months or so, I find myself muttering about some photo with popularity well beyond its obvious lack of redeeming qualities or a beautiful photo sitting lonely and forlorn on the web. Sometimes the photos are mine. Inevitably I also get a virtual smack to the side of the head by some photographer saying that the number of likes has absolutely nothing to do with a good photo. And I knew that. I really did.

I am convinced my passion for beautiful photos, and whatever you want to call my writing, would wither on the vine if I tailored it for a phantom audience of millions. As selfish as it sounds, this is all about me smiling at the computer after trying my hardest – then pressing publish. In case there was any doubt, this audience of one is highly critical and even fickle on a good day.

And yet, I need a little more audience for this blog to stay alive on the proverbial vine. In a 140-character world, a writer still needs to attract a few people who read and in an age of phone pics, a photographer still needs a few beauty seekers to occasionally take a second glance. I try to increase my odds by providing opportunities for both. I’m guessing that might be too clever by half.

Surprisingly, every blog I post (and remember they are for me) still gets views, likes and comments from kindred spirits who kindly share their time. It keeps me going. A thank you seems inadequate for faithful and occasional visitors who tread my quirky part of the Internet. I want you to know I briefly considered a cash reward … until sanity prevailed.

By any measure, I don’t have the most popular blog. I have something better. I have an opportunity to share my unfiltered, creative yearnings with real people who I have come to value.

There now. I should be good for another 10,000 miles until the same lesson surprises me.

Latest Comments

  1. Scott Marshall says:

    oh btw the Owl is excellent composition but the lead image in blue is far too good – I have asked you not to shoot landscape previously as it forces me to consider property 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Scott Marshall says:

    Right Mr Krahn – listen in (military term – demanding attention – lol) – I hear exactly your concerns – it is the anguish of the artist (will it be appreciated – will it be liked -then we have the how come that other “tosh” got 150 likes) and her is the rub we do this for us (interestingly precisely why I left Facebook – shallow likes). I love blogging as resource as a sounding board even. The one thing I see from you blog is fantastic quality engagement but most of all phenomenal images which you should be rightly proud of. I hope you and me and a good few other are still blogging when my hair has turned grey (too late i’m bald already ) . National bloody Geographic – one day you will get a knock on your door of that I am sure.

    There you go – if I had responded with such passion on Facebook I would be unfriended ha ha. I know you get Brit humour – oh btw I got the Sigma 150-500mm so watch out my venture in to wildlife pmsl.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Well I’m pretty sure I’ll get a knock on the door someday but I highly doubt that it will be the good news you alluded to!! You had me chuckling pretty good reading your comments as I’m learning about military terms and having to look up the word tosh (note to self – need to use that word). Of course you make perfect sense – and the passion and Brit humour are a wonderful bonus. Please don’t mistake my humour for Canadian, I’m afraid it’s in a world of it’s own. I definitely hope you and me and some others are still blogging for a good long time – at least we’ll give each other a friendly audience.

      Good luck with that new lens. No pressure but I’ve seen some amazing images that wildlife photographers have taken with it!


  3. dda53 says:

    Awesome photo of the owl! Good work on the blog and your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. elmediat says:

    The dynamics of attracting a target audience are complex and at time mysterious; my background includes Media Literacy, so there you go . Then again, I can not fathom the popularity of Honey Ducks Rel Boo-boo so called reality television either. What I am seeing on your blog so far are superb compositions. Found you by way of Christopher Martin’s blog. I will be exploring your blog in more depth. Cheers. 🙂


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Mysterious is a great description. People’s tastes in reality television have often left me wondering. On the other hand Chris Marten has such great photos, he should be run over with visitors. Such is life!

      Thanks for checking out my photos and commenting. Nice to have someone around who shares my taste in photos.


  5. Birder's Journey says:

    So very glad that I discovered your blog somehow, somewhere along the way, and so glad you keep posting. I thoroughly enjoy every post I read and love the images that you include with your stories. This OWL photo, by the way, is really sensational!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I’m glad you’ve come along for the ride and enjoy my posts. When my journey connects with absolutely wonderful creatures like this owl, it’s a lot of fun to share with others who see its charm.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Linda says:

    Your photos are gorgeous and I find your blog very enjoyable. I hope that you will find mine equally as enjoyable. Please know that you are more than welcome to visit anytime. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent. 🙂


  7. Dalo 2013 says:

    Now that is a post I think we’d all wished we had written (or simply could have written), as there is much truth. Trying to figure out why something works in a photo (or writing) and another does not ~ not quite sure that is possible. Mostly, you share that perfect line that affects us all as either a photographer or writer, having a blog and throwing together a post is “an opportunity to share my unfiltered, creative yearnings…” Well said. And nice photography too as well ~ the banner shot of seeing the mountain through the trees is brilliant.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      And that is one of the most encouraging comments I have received. It’s funny how keeping one’s eye on the right objective makes all the difference. If I don’t, I end up frustrating myself over things I can’t control.

      Light hitting a mountain thru the trees is a special treat and I was pleased to capture this scene.


  8. krikitarts says:

    Yes, again. And yet again, please. What better reason could there be to keep doing what we do than that we love doing our best at it and sharing it?!


  9. caleephotography says:

    Your posts always make me smile and your photographs are fantastic 🙂 Cool owl!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      For some reason I seem to be genetically predisposed to humour so it’s pretty satisfying to hear about your smiles. And I like to think owls have a sense of humour!


  10. Steve Gingold says:

    Deja vu all over again. I like the owl image. It is beautiful. Likes are nice, cash is better. 🙂 Really though, self-satisfaction is where it’s at, Lyle. I’d say that you should be satisfied as you post some marvelous images.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Indeed! Though satisfaction is one of those things that I can change into having a short half life with misdirected thinking. I’m working to improve. At the same there is some positive dissatisfaction in pursuing better photos.

      I was hoping someone would bite on the cash comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. cconifer says:

    I love your photos and appreciate how much time (& unseen photos) it took to get them. Despite the overwhelm of images in today’s world, yours stand out as nature at Her best. The simplicity of each view or creature take my breath away and since I’m not often in the wilderness, it is entirely engaging to enjoy yours! So thank you for sticking with it, fellow traveler, imaging our world ~


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      It’s so good to know that I that have the potential of engaging people like you with the photos at the end of my wanderings in search of wildlife. As you mentioned, it takes time and repeat efforts to capture the beauty – but it’s there and wonderful to behold. Great to hear from a fellow traveler!


  12. Jocelyne says:

    Your words speaks to me in so many ways ! It can be so confusing at times. I posted the same photo on the same day and hour on two different sites, one had 2 likes while the other had much much more. If I had relied on the 2 likes to monitor the popularity of this photo, or worse to decide if it was a beautiful photo or not, I would have been misled. I’ve learned now not to do this, but it took me some time and it can happen at times I will doubt my work when I don’t have a good response. Your talent and work is incredible, and your writing and stories are great too. You always make me smile or laugh and that’s a really good thing 🙂 This photo is another demonstration of your great talent, it’s amazing. Keep posting ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Those doubts have a way of creeping in – don’t they? In creative endeavours like photography, it seems to be something that can sneak up on a person. I am pleased to hear that you have put popularity in it’s place. I hope I can keep doing that.

      I couldn’t agree with you more that a smile or laugh is a great thing. What a privilege to hear that my posts can make that happen. I really appreciate your thotful and inspiring comments about my photography and musings.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Honie Briggs says:

    This is one amazingly beautiful creature you’ve captured here, Lyle. I am always astonished at the wildness in the eyes of your subjects. It is as if they are looking right through you at me. Your writing is just the right amount of clever. I get it and I’m grateful for it. Your willingness to share the beauty you discover is reward enough.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      It really is hard to imagine their beauty if you had never seen one. A wild creature’s eyes often make the photo and owl eyes are just mesmerizing so that’s a fantastic start! Looking through me at you is an amazing description – a bonus reward.

      I don’t often get called clever, especially in the right amount, so I’ll take it:) I’m glad you get it since I don’t aim for everyone but you knew that. The odd thing about a willingness to share is that good things come back that you often don’t expect.


  14. donna213 says:

    I too am a loyal follower, one very interested in the beauty you photograph and the humorous wit in your writing. I was just talking to my friend while in Maui about what you just posted – that sometimes a good or beautiful image does not gets its due. She thought I was pouting over the sea turtles I photographed that were not as well received but it is all in what people subjectively see as interesting. I liked the turtles and to me that was all that mattered. Your owl image is really beautiful, and I know you know that. It takes a nature lover to see beauty in all creatures and their surroundings.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      The loyal followers like you are special! And they are most likely nature lovers who have a similar sense of subjective beauty. And yes I know about the owl and I also know the sea turtles are really beautiful (even if I am behind in my blog reading and haven’t actually seen them yet!). Hope you are having a fantastic time there.


  15. FeyGirl says:

    I just adore your writing and your images, in my eyes, remain some of the best of nature photography. That owl – One of my personal favorites – is pure perfection!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      That is high praise! I’m guessing you would have a sense of how exciting it was to be driving down a grid road thinking I should check abandoned barns for owls just in case. I saw the barn, then saw the owl. A mad scramble to get the photo worked! My first great horned owl. 4.5 hours of driving around that day and it was the only wild creature I photographed but so worth it. Owls have a special place in my photography pecking order.


      • FeyGirl says:

        I absolutely love — hugely respect — these creatures, and your image is just perfect, honestly. I’ve run into several great horned owls on hikes, but NONE I’ve been able to photo… I’ve always been taken by surprise with them, swooping in front of my face with that enormous wingspan. 🙂 One day though, never give up!


  16. Lavinia Ross says:

    I love the owl, photo, Lyle! You have a great blog all on its own, with no need to give anything away. You give of yourself all the time, and that is the most valuable gift of all. Stop in if you are ever in this area.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      That owl encounter was special since it was the first time. And I captured that look! Glad it caught your eye.

      It’s interesting how a passion for doing something can be a guiding light that takes a person to places they wouldn’t expect. I have a hunch you know what I’m talking about!

      It would be interesting to check out Salmon Brook Farms. That’s a great offer for the next time we head your way.


  17. Mandy says:

    I was recently contacted by a marketing firm who wanted me to write a sponsored post (with insect-repellant giveaways for readers); but that is not why I blog. I would rather the blog have a small family-like audience (such as a brother in Canada) with people I value, rather than 100,000 anonymous “likers”. I think that is why people are loyal to Krahn Pix – the quality of the photos and the writing, and that sense of a group of friends. Keep doing what you do best Lyle!


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Well if anyone could make insect-repellent giveaways interesting, I’m betting it would be you! But what a great illustration to make your point. Your reasons for blogging are exactly right and strike a rich chord with me. I hope you keep doing it as well. Thanks for being a valued blogger friend with a unique and colourful Australian perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Stefano says:

    What a great post, Lyle. So true. Keep going and sharing with us your beautiful, inspired and inspiring photography.
    Oh, great owl shot, by the way! 😉


  19. whichwaynow101 says:

    You’re overthinking,it Lyle. Just keep taking and posting your amazing photographs!


  20. anotherday2paradise says:

    Fantastic image, Lyle. Your photos are always amazing. The owl looks up to no good. 🙂


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Thank you so much. It was a special treat for me to meet this great horned owl this summer. That owl was checking me out though I thot it was up to a lot of good since it stayed in my lens:)


  21. Cornel A. says:

    And I say a thank you for all you share with us: photos, thoughts and stories.


  22. Mary says:

    Gorgeous photo of the owl ~ perfect shot. Hope you continue to post what you love, your work is iconic and timeless – audiences will find you. I admire what you are so willing to share with all of us. Have a beautiful weekend seeking out your next subject.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I was so thrilled to find that owl and be able to get a shot. And you remind me that sharing is a treat when I read your kind comments. I am determined to continue posing what I love so we’ll see how that goes. You have a great weekend as well.


  23. Pam says:

    I love the owl. There is never a way to guess what photo will speak to someone. Post what you love, and it will find its audience. Love your work.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I’m hoping to stay on this path of posting what I love – it sure takes the guess work out of it. One of the big advantages is enjoying creatures together with others who have the same sense of beauty. I’m happy to hear from you.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Karolyn Cooper says:

    I love the photo of the owl. It makes me give an extra smile because I am imagining the owl swooping down on people and stealing their hats. Have you heard that story from Salem, Oregon? A barred owl is in the news for hat-stealing. Just google “oregon owl hats”.


    • Lyle Krahn says:

      Thanks for putting me on to that story. Funny! I can see where that would add a smile. It’s a good think they were only going for the hat or they might have caused a lot more injuries!


  25. Alison says:

    I, for one, really enjoy visiting your little corner of the internet. Keep looking for the beautiful in the world and sharing it with us, please!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lyle Krahn says:

      I’m happy to hear your visits are enjoyable. I will do my best to keep looking for the beautiful – it’s funny how we so often find what we seek. I have been at this blogging thing a while and have arranged my life to continue so I like the probabilities.


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