My favourite wildlife photos … so far

What’s your favourite?

I went through my blog posts from this year and picked my 10 favourite wildlife photos – the only rule I gave myself was no repeat animals (it was surprisingly easy). I’m curious which photo is the most interesting to people like you who peruse this blog (and thanks for coming by the way). There’s a question at the end that lets you pick your favourite and see how others voted.

Would you join the fun and vote? On the upside it involves one easy click, there’s no wrong answer, no followup email and the only downside is I’m not giving away some fancy camera for participating.

If you find it hard to choose, remember you’re not choosing the next leader of the country!

Happy voting!!!

1. Owning the road

This strange encounter led me to talking about confidence though not all of it well placed. (The red text link in each of the descriptions takes you back to where the photo was originally posted.)

grouse, road, Saskatchewan, Prince Albert National Park

2. Snowy, sleepy kind of day
I remember oh so well getting soaked by the falling wet snow. Then a nearby photographer surprised me with a comment.

It turns out an eagle with its eyes open makes a much better photo.

3. Smooth moves
When this young grizzly stood up, I was so excited it was hard to focus on getting the shot.


4. Yawn before the sleep
Sea turtles on the beaches in Hawaii did a lot of sleeping. When I saw this yawn, I was completely surprised and it got me thinking about Monday morning.

_MG_4111 (1)

5. Watching in stereo
These two deer watching me as I tried to find a clear shot among the branches prompted a literary leap to discussing regular rejection by wildlife. I was shocked when it was accepted by the folks at Freshly Pressed.


6. Yellow magic
A few photos with yellow inspired a trip down memory lane to Sesame Street.


7. Lava walk
At first I couldn’t figure out what this creature was, then I discovered it had an interesting past.


8. Synchronized starving
Bizarrely, the only clear view of these birds was thru our living room window. It was an amazing incentive to clean the window!

_MG_6194 - Version 2 (1)

9. Snow walk
A porcupine taking a stroll in the snow somehow ended up in a discussion about personality.


10. Family gathering
A family gathering broke out among the Sandhill Cranes and I was there to see it!


Latest Comments

  1. Audie Jean says:

    I loved them all, but feel more drawn to the deer in no. 5. The balance, the asymmetry, the golden glow, the hint of vignetting. It’s all good.
    You are a wonderful photographer.


  2. bhrrigu says:

    I liked the fact that you have showcased here few common animals with a different perspective. in fact i liked the mongoose too


  3. Marco Pesaresi says:

    A fine set indeed,really like Synchronized starving, love the light just hitting the chicks only and the rest of the scene in darkness, followed by Lava walk, for its wonderful mix of golden tones and finally Snowy, sleepy kind of day.


  4. livliveslife says:

    These photos are beyond words. I love every last one of them! Thanks for sharing!


  5. Gunta says:

    Very tough decision because each and everyone had its own beauty and appeal, but I’m going with the porcupine because I just think they’re so cool and underrated. (Though my Siberian Husky never did learn that chomping down on one was not a good idea!) 😉


    • lylekrahn says:

      I agree they are very cool and intriguing creatures. Obviously your Husky found them strangely attractive too despite the pain. I’m actually going to post another porcupine post in a few hours. Glad you liked the photos. Each creature has its own unique appeal.


  6. Ed Belding says:

    I was drawn to the bear, then the doe and fawn, but the cedar waxwing carries the day for me. If I am lucky I will see them fly through my area once a year. They are among my very favorite birds. So my love of the subject, the creamy background and proud pose wins my vote.


    • lylekrahn says:

      It’s always interesting to hear what people liked. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I don’t specifically target waxwings but it was just standing there letting me shoot so I did.


  7. Asha Seth says:

    It was really difficult to pick one but I just did! They are all amazing captures Lyle. 🙂



  8. Fast Pam says:

    I voted for the bear but I also loved the turtle – 2 of my favorite animals in the world!! Thanks for sharing!


  9. Rejoice For The Day says:

    It was hard to pick a favorite. You always have such amazing wildlife photography! (The stories are very good too.)


  10. Mind Margins/Run Nature says:

    Very hard to choose just one, they’re all so great. I had to go with #2. I love bald eagles, and the falling snow makes for a fantastic photo.


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks for the comments. Others have also liked the eagle and it was special since it was the first decent shot I’ve had of an eagle. Hopefully I get more opportunities.


  11. FeyGirl says:

    ahhhh…… they’re ALL so amazing and really just perfect!!

    but, if i must choose — having been raised in hawaii (well, a bit further out!), i have to choose the mongoose. 🙂


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks so much. I was hoping someone would like the mongoose – definitely an interesting animal with a story. You have lived in different places and must have seen a broad array of wildlife.


  12. outdoorpictures says:

    Really outstanding pictures!!!!! Congratulations!!!!


  13. Scott Marshall says:

    some real outstanding images here Lyle – I have a few decent nature shots but the y pale in to insignificance against you and Phil Lanoue – congratulations


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks so much – appreciate the comment. I enjoy your photos and Phil’s as well and I think each person brings something different – that’s the great part of checking what others are doing.


  14. caleephotography says:

    This was very difficult, they’re ALL so fantastic!! I voted for the two deers but i really love all of them. 😀


  15. Phil Lanoue says:

    What a fantastic series! Picking a favorite is super tough. But…my vote is for #2, the snowy eagle.
    The face, the background, the setting…all perfect. That face really makes it though in my view. 😀
    But no fabulous prizes for voting huh? Ah, oh well, I voted anyway. 😉


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks so much for the comment. I was pretty excited to get that eagle shot but if the setting was perfect as you say, how come I was soaked and frozen at the end? If you insist on a prize – feel free to pick one of your choice and cost.


  16. artsifrtsy says:

    The stereo shot is the one that introduced me to your blog and it’s as stunning as ever – I am always drawn to shots where the subject interacts with the shooter – the eye contact means that you had a moment there. Lovely shot and a great idea for a post.


  17. rachel bar says:

    Extremely difficult to choose. I forced myself to pick just one because you wanted it. Which one is your favourite?


    • lylekrahn says:

      I was curious if someone was going to ask me. I gave a bit of a clue in my write-ups. It’s the grizzly standing up – smooth moves. I find it nearly impossible to separate the experience of taking the photo and the image itself since it brings back all the memories. It was quite a rush to see the grizzly stand up (which I’d never seen in the wild before) and I was pleased with the final photo.


  18. edithlevyphotography says:

    It was hard to pick as I had quite a few favorites…but I did it 🙂 Wonderful shots.


  19. Rexlin Victor says:

    Awesome collection of pictures!!! Great!!


  20. Mark Young says:

    Great shots there Lyle. It was a toss up between quite a few – the grizzly, No1, and the chicks – actually all of them! – but I chose this one because of the simplicity of the shot and the gorgeous background.



    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks Mark. Glad I was able to make your choice difficult! Good photos often involve continually removing information until only the best photo remains – what you describe as simplicity.


  21. The Green Study says:

    The porcupine still reigns supreme for me, but it might just be the cuteness factor. I enjoyed this “retrospective” post as I had missed some of these photos – just beautiful! Thanks!


    • lylekrahn says:

      I would have expected the porcupine answer from you! Glad you liked the post. I enjoyed going back in time to put this all together. The trouble now is that I need to find more photos somehow.


  22. toughlittlebirds says:

    Tough decision! That soggy eagle looks so miserable, the photo makes me cold just looking at it. And the begging robin chicks are hilariously alien-looking. The weirdness of the mongoose picture won me, though – the odd lava, that careful front paw, his sharp sideways look. Ferret-shaped animals are irresistible.


    • lylekrahn says:

      I was fascinated to read about your decision-making process – great points on all three photos. I can assure you the eagle was not the only one soggy by the time I finished taking photos there!


  23. renxkyoko says:

    I voted. …. the 2 deer, watching stereo, I think. Great photos !


  24. Kylie says:

    That was a difficult decision. Great idea for an end-of-year showcase!


  25. Mike Powell says:

    I started following your blog in mid-year and missed some great shots. I will definitely have to go back and check some of them out. It’s a little unfair to have to choose among your best shots–you almost need to have categories. I suspect that your most popular ones will be those in which we can see wildlife creatures acting like humans (at least that is the way we interpret their behavior). So many of your stories and photos draw us in when you present humorous insights into poses and actions. Can I vote more than once?


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks Mike – always appreciate the positive feedback. I am actually quite interested to see which ones are more popular – personal taste is difficult to predict. You may be right about the wildlife acting like humans being more popular. I set up the poll just like the election so you get one vote (though far less consequential of course).


  26. vanbraman says:

    I will have to think about this for awhile. How much time do I have to vote :-). I am trying to pick between 2, 3 and 10.


  27. LizzieJoy says:

    Stunning photographs. There is no way I can just choose one I like, because I think they’re all amazing. And I love the blurry depth of field, allowing the main subject to stand out. Wonderful!!


    • lylekrahn says:

      Thanks for the kind comments and regularly checking out my blog – I know from other comments you made that you follow a lot of blogs! I’ve certainly had a lot of fun taking the photos.


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